

Merging AI and Human Brilliance

We're committed to building solutionsfor small businessesbut we all have challenges

that turn into problems
The Problem Cube

what are yours?

what kind of chaos do you live in today?

Do you feel stuck? Or perhaps overwhelmed? Or maybe you need more sales? Or how about getting the right people to execute your plan?

Or maybe your finances are "bleeding" and you don't know what to change. Or maybe your marketing isn't working. Or your big money-making product isn't selling as much any more!

But these aren't really problems. They are really symptoms.

IDB Question Mark

There may be dozens of causes

for your particular symptom

Let's take sales for an example. You may say, "I need more sales. We can't generate sales." But is that the real problem?

Off the top of my head, you might experience the following causes of sales problems:

  • Outdated sales funnels
  • Lack of Market Definition
  • Inadequate Tech Systems
  • Poor Sales Team Morale
  • Sales Leadership
  • Changing Customer Needs
  • Marketing / Sales Misalignment

How would you go about diagnosing and fixing the problem?

In the past, you'd hire many "experts" andhopefullythey would find a solution.

IDB Hammer

But, If the expert only uses a hammer

Their solutions only work with nails!

But in today's world, the market moving at what seems like "warp speed". And many of our symptoms, problems AND their causes are multi-dimensional. No one person has the knowledge, experience and systems to help you "solve your problem".

So, what should you do?

Well, if nothing else comes from your visit here, we'd like to share with you the process we use to assist small businesses break out of their chaos.

a gift for you

We'd like to share a process you can use to createinsight-drivensuccess

IDB Process Light

The Journey to Long-Lasting SuccessA Step-by-Step Approach

Achieving sustainable business success is not an overnight process. It requires a clear vision, disciplined execution, and most importantly, an unwavering commitment to your values and goals. Each step in this process is carefully designed to help you align your business internally and externally, creating a solid foundation for growth.

Step 1: Evaluate Your Values ensures that your company stands on a bedrock of authenticity. This step allows you to align every future action with principles that reflect who you are and where you want to go.

Step 2: Review Your Brand guarantees that your public image mirrors your internal values, creating consistency and building trust with your audience. Without this alignment, your message risks falling flat.

Step 3: Align Your Messaging reinforces that how you communicate with your customers and stakeholders matters. This is where your values meet your audience, and getting this right is essential for resonance and impact.

Each subsequent step builds on these foundations: evaluating your market for strategic opportunities, designing a team that shares your vision, and creating a tech infrastructure that amplifies your ability to execute. These aren’t quick fixes but rather ongoing, intentional efforts that, when done right, create momentum.

Execution is key, but so is Step 9: Review and Repeat. Regular reflection is critical to staying on course, improving continuously, and adjusting as necessary.

But WARNING! This process can take months or years!and cost you lots of money!But You don't have to live in chaos!

Because here is where AI can be your best ally!

IDB Levers

Our AI Apps are the levers

that help you find causes for your problems

and design solutions you can implement now!

That's how AI can help. But not just any AI. Not just using chatGPT or other utilities that help you write better emails or marketing materials. This type of AI is your CoPilot or Assistant. They are designed and crafted to help you take your business to the next level.

This type of AI is trained on your business rules and content, with guardrails to protect your private data and prevent embarassing results.

And they save you TIME and MONEY!

How much time and Money?Glad you asked!

By leveraging AI in this transformative process, you can unlock a whole new level of efficiency and impact. Traditionally, it could take up to 624 hours and nearly 29 months to achieve the alignment, strategy, and execution needed for long-term success, costing as much as $110,000. But with AI driving the process, you can reduce that to just 164 hours, 7.6 months, and save over 50% of the cost. AI accelerates decision-making, streamlines operations, and uncovers insights that would otherwise take months of human effort. Imagine what you could accomplish with that time and resource savings. It’s not just about speed; it’s about precision, clarity, and empowering your business to evolve faster than ever before.

It’s your time to make order out of your chaos. Let AI guide you toward the success you’ve been envisioning. Take the first step today!

Saves Time and Money

It's Your Time to Make order out of Chaos!

Order Not Chaos

Our AI Apps are Your levers

bringing you success faster, more

efficiently and less expensively!

Don't be afraid of AI. Be curious! Take advantage of this unique time when your competitors are trying to figure out how to use AI.

Let us help you harness this power!

And ... save you TIME and MONEY!

If You're Ready to Learn MoreAnd Use AI In a completely different wayThen schedule a 30 minute call now!

Our Services


AI CoPilots

AI augmented business strategies for fast results! Unlock growth. Optimize processes. Drive results.


AI Applications

We use AI to increase the efficiencies of your business – Your Guiding Principles, Business Basics, Product Strategy, Marketing, Business Operations and Contingency Planning.


AI Automation Robots

We can help you define specific process and completely automate them! And then we help your team “upskill”. They can learn our AI tools that will help them be more productive and be less stressed.


AI Research And Reporting

AI designed to get the information you need to build a roadmap for success.

IDB Logo

We are committed to empowering small businesses successfully navigate the intersection of AI and human innovation.


Prompt Engineering Services

AI - Business Strategy Consulting

AI - Business Strategy Education

AI - Business Strategy Workshops



(858) 800-2304

4455 Murphy Canyon Rd. #145
San Diego, CA 92124