
AI Derived and Human crafted Strategy

The Challenge

Are you struggling to navigate the complexities of running a business? Hit a revenue ceiling? Not sure what your next step is in this rapidly changing business environment?

Insight Driven Business offers a comprehensive, step-by-step process that covers every facet of business strategy, from your guiding principles to contingency planning.

The Insight Driven Business Infographic2

What We Offer

Our unique approach consists of five key sections, each with its own set of activities designed to build a robust business strategy:

  • Guiding Principles: Define your Values, Vision, and identify your Ideal Client and Decision Maker Persona.
  • Business Basics: Conduct Market Research, SWOT, PEST, and SWAG Analyses to understand your market and competition.
  • Product Strategy: Develop your Unique Selling Proposition, Customer Priority Matrix, and Product Value Priority Matrix.
  • Marketing: Craft Corporate Market Messaging, Ideal Client Messaging, and Persona Messaging. Decide on Tactics like Website, Social Media, and Emails.
  • Business Operations: Establish Sales Processes, Business Metrics, Human Resources, and Financial Planning.
  • Contingency Planning: Prepare for Market, Product, Financial, Technology, and Distribution Changes.

The Impact

Imagine having a foolproof plan that not only guides your business decisions but also adapts to changes in the market. By following our 17-activity process, you’ll greatly enhance your chances of long-term success and avoid the pitfalls that cause most small businesses to fail.

Take Action

Don’t leave your business to chance. Contact us today to learn how the Insight Driven Business Process can transform your strategy and secure your future.


We are committed to empowering small businesses successfully navigate the intersection of AI and human innovation.


Prompt Engineering Services

AI - Business Strategy Consulting

AI - Business Strategy Education

AI - Business Strategy Workshops



(858) 800-2304

4455 Murphy Canyon Rd. #145
San Diego, CA 92124