
The Shift Toward “Wave 2” B2B AI Applications

Understanding Workflows in the Context of AI

  • A workflow is a sequence of steps performed to complete a task or job, gathering information, applying context, and processing it into a desired output.
  • The prompting mechanism of large language models (LLMs) maps well to workflows, going from an input of context/information to an output of action/insights/decision.
  • The challenge is integrating this input→output process natively into B2B applications without disrupting existing workflows.

Examples of AI-Powered Workflow Automation

  • FigJam: Automates summarizing themes and takeaways from team brainstorming exercises.
  • Macro: Identifies changes across document versions and summarizes their impact.
  • Claygent: Researches specific attributes about companies or leads by navigating websites and identifying relevant information.

The Future Evolution of AI-Powered Workflows

  1. AI automations will execute workflows more proactively, performing tasks without user action when the system recognizes the need.
  2. AI automations will reimagine user experiences, changing how we interact with products at a fundamental level (e.g., an AI-powered CRM that doesn’t resemble traditional CRMs).
  3. As AI solutions become more reliable and proactive, they can take on extended workflows or more complex input→output scenarios before human intervention is needed.
  4. AI systems may also recognize more patterns as workflows beyond what humans can identify, designing automations users couldn’t previously fathom.

Integrating AI into Your Workflow with IDB’s CoPilots

CoPilots: Part of Your Workflow

Our CoPilots are not mere tools; they are intelligent companions, designed to work alongside you, enhancing your decision-making processes and streamlining your workflows. With a deep understanding of your business context, they proactively identify opportunities for optimization and provide actionable insights, empowering you to make informed decisions with confidence.

Trained on Your Data

One of the key advantages of our CoPilots is their ability to learn from your data. By training on your organization’s unique data sets, they develop a comprehensive understanding of your business, enabling them to provide tailored recommendations that align with your specific goals and challenges.

Guided by Your Business Rules

At InsightDriven.Business, we recognize that every business is unique, with its own set of rules, policies, and best practices. Our CoPilots are designed to respect and adhere to your business rules, ensuring that their recommendations are not only innovative but also compliant with your organization’s guidelines.

Speaking in Your Voice

Effective communication is crucial in any business environment, and our CoPilots are designed to speak in your voice. By adopting your organization’s tone and language, they seamlessly integrate into your team, fostering a collaborative and supportive environment where ideas can flourish and decisions can be made with confidence.

Warm regards,
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